Wi-Fi settings and servo motor adjusting
After checking sketch uploading has been done, Set up Wi-Fi configuration. You can find the line to describe SSID and password of
your Wi-Fi router near the top of the sketch. Please write SSID and password of the Wi-Fi router.
Then set the offset to correct the deviation of the servo horn. There is a function called "setServoOffset ()" to the 236 line in the sketch.
By setting the initial position to the second argument of this function and adjust the deviation. The range of the second argument
-500 ~ 500.
setServoOffset (1, 100) // Set offset 100 to SV1(left foot)
setServoOffset (2, 100) // Set offset 100 to SV2(right foot)
setServoOffset (3, -50) // Set offset -50 to SV3(center)
setServoOffset (4, 50) // Set offset 50 to SV3(head)
After describing the offset, upload sketch again. When upload is done, offset will be reflected.
Change offset gradually (20 ~ 60 degrees) and modify to make robot stands straight.
Since the axis of the servo motor is little bit loose, there is a possibility that cannot be modified
straight. So just adjust that robot stands roughly straight. It is enough to walk.