Long thin rod
90 degrees
A pivoted arm without an offset head would not be subject to skating force.
However, it will also have no correction for tracking error and the resulting
distortion is unacceptable. As soon as the arm's head is offset to lower tracing
distortion, skating force arises. Greater offsets result in greater skating force.
The 12” arm has a very small offset angle and therefore a very low skating
force to deal with.
After very careful listening tests we have determined that every tonearm we
tried sounded better with their mechanical anti-skating disabled and the
tracking force very slightly increased. All mechanical anti-skate devices add a
negative sound to the music because they are made of parts that can vibrate.
We solve the problem in a unique way:
As mentioned earlier, the arm wire applies the anti-skating force. The degree
of force applied can be adjusted as explained below.