Single belt press EBP580
Version: 166000000, M0017267B_EN208-240-60D
Date: 28.11.2017
- 50 / 52 -
10.5.5 Adjusting the regulating valve
In the course of durable tape (tape strip bent ....) or exchange of the control valve it must be re-established.
1.) mounting screws (Fig. Pos.1) of the regulator valves to solve anything
2.) regulating valve (Fig. Pos.2) 3 - 4mm push in the opposite direction of the band alignment, tighten the screws
and the machine on for a trial run.
epeat the process described in Section 2, to the main web is running again in the middle.
10.5.6 The setting of the ind. proximity switch
1. Turn on washing/milling machine, turn changeover-switch Hand-0-Auto to 0.
2. Loosen counternut (Fig. Pos.1).
3. Rotate proximity switch (Fig. Pos.2) clockwise until LED (Fig. Pos.3) goes on.
4. Gradually rotate proximity switch counter-clockwise until LED goes out, then rotate another half turn.
5. Tighten counternut.