STD 420-0003
Volvo Group
5 Test
Testing of components shall take place at the earliest one week after the date of manufacture and at the latest four
weeks after the date of manufacture.
Storage of components from the date of manufacture to the test date shall be identical to that of components
supplied to production (same temperature, air humidity, wrapping, etc.).
Test pieces taken out of components shall be produced the same day the testing procedure starts.
In the case of finished products, cut circular test pieces with a diameter of 80
1 mm from the sample. The
thickness of the test pieces can be up to 10 mm. Machine thicker materials on the underside to 10 mm (the
underside is the side facing away from the side which is visible in the vehicle). If other test piece dimensions are
required, these may be as given in the product specification.
When preparing test pieces from materials that cannot be shaped into circular test pieces, the material is cut into
80 mm long pieces of the appropriate profile. A minimum of two test pieces shall be tested.
6 Test
6.1 Method F (reflectometric method, evaluation of fogging using a glossmeter)
6.1.1 Conditioning and drying
Before the test, the test pieces shall be conditioned at 23 ± 1 °C and 50 ± 5 % RH with a drying time in accordance
with table 1.
Table 1 - Drying times
Material Drying
Natural materials, test pieces
containing natural materials
168 h
2 h
Coated fabrics
48 h
2 h
Other materials
24 h
2 h
6.1.2 Cleaning Cleaning with a dishwasher
Wash the sealing rings, beakers and metal rings with glass-cleaning detergent twice in a dishwasher. If the
dishwasher is not connected to a deionized-water supply, rinse the cleaned equipment in deionized water.
Prior to each use, clean all glass plates twice in dishwater at 80 °C using a glass-cleaning detergent. If the
dishwasher is not connected to a deionized-water supply, rinse the cleaned glass plates in deionized water at room
temperature and dry them in an upright position.
It is recommended to only reuse the glass plates a few times, since microscopic scratches may affect the rate of
deposition of any vapours and hence the reproducibility of the method. Discard any glass plates that have surface
scratches or abraded spots.
Note: Tests have shown that it is very important to use a neutral or acid detergent as alkaline detergent affects the
glass surface and the reflectometer values increase.
After the glass plates have been cleaned and dried, check their cleanliness at a point at which no condensation can
occur during the test by applying a thin film of test fluid (3.4) to the glass surface. The edges of the film shall not
contract within 2 s. Should the edges contract within this time, repeat the cleaning procedure. Should the edges
even after repeated cleaning still contract within 2 s, do not use these plates again for measurements. Make a
visual check that the plates are free of scratches and other defects; if they are not, discard them.