a start capacitor as an extra cost option. The lack of a start capacitor can
oner to draw too high a starting current and overload the
enerator. Contact your air conditioner dealer if you consistently have
roblems starting your air conditioner with the generator.
.6 DC Power Application
C motors. Output voltage is 15-3
prevent the possibility of creating sparks near the
ect the charging cable first to the generator
disconnect the vehicle's battery
sparks if
accidental contact is made between a battery terminal
Do not attempt to start an automobile engine with the
generator still connected to battery. The generator may
Connect the positive battery terminal to the positive
cause the air conditi
The DC receptacle may be used for charging 12 volt automotive-type batteries
only. It is not designed to operate D
0V. DC
output will vary according to the position of the Smart throttle switch.
a. Connect the charging cable to the DC receptacle of the generator and then
to the battery terminals.
battery, conn
then to the battery. Disconnect the cable first at the
efore connecting the charging cable to a battery that is
installed in a vehicle,
ground cable. Reconnect the vehicle's ground cable after
the charging cables are removed. This procedure will
prevent the possibility of a short circuit and
and the vehicle's frame or body.
be da
charging cord. Do not reverse the charging cables or
serious damage to the generator and/or battery may
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