— Check for any visible damage.
The system is not responding as expected.
— The radar sensors are dirty → page 350. The sen-
sor visibility may be impaired by dirt and snow or
also residue from cleaning agents or coatings.
— The general conditions for system operation have
not been met→ page 174.
— The radar sensors are covered by water.
— The vehicle is damaged in the area of the radar
sensors, e.g. caused by parking collisions.
— The detection ranges of the radar sensors are
blocked by add-on parts, e.g. bicycle carriers.
— Changes have been made to the paintwork in the
area of the radar sensors or structural modifica-
tions have been made, e.g. on the vehicle front
end or the running gear.
— The side windows have been retrofitted with tin-
ted window films.
Driver assist systems