♦ Refractometer - T10007 A-
Read precise value for the following tests at light/dark boundary.
Using a pipette, place a drop of water on the glass to improve the
readability of the light/dark boundary. The light-dark border can
be clearly recognised on the “WATERLINE”.
– Check concentration of coolant additive using refractometer -
T10007 A- (refer to operating instructions).
The scale -1- of the refractometer is calibrated for coolant addi‐
tives G12; G12 Plus, G12 Plus Plus and G11.
The scale -2- is only calibrated for coolant additive G13.
– If frost protection is insufficient, drain coolant and supplement
If the currently used coolant additive cannot be determined
precisely, use the scale -2- for coolant additive G13.
Please observe disposal instructions!
– Check coolant additive concentration after road test again.
Coolant level: checking, replenishing
coolant if necessary
– Check coolant level in expansion tank when engine is cold.
♦ Delivery inspection: coolant level above “min” marking
♦ Inspection service: coolant level above “min” marking
– If coolant is too low, add required amount according to mixture
If fluid loss is greater than can be expected through normal use,
determine source and rectify (repair measure).
Passat 2011 ➤ , Passat Variant 2011 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 01.2019
4. Descriptions of work: