Opening and closing the driv-
er door manually
Please refer to and at the start of
Fig. 60 Handle on the driver door: levering off
the cover.
Fig. 61 Locking the driver door manually.
— Lever the cap off with the vehicle key in
— Insert the key bit into the lock cylinder.
— Turn the spare key clockwise to lock the
— Turn the spare key anticlockwise to unlock
the vehicle.
— Pull the driver door handle forcefully to
open the door.
— Fit the cap again.
Things to note when unlocking manually
When manual locking takes place, all doors
are locked. With manual unlocking, only the
driver door is unlocked. Observe the informa-
tion about the anti-theft alarm → page 83.
— The alarm is triggered when the driver
— The vehicle must be started manually once
— Activate the vehicle’s drive system to
switch off the alarm.
The electronic immobiliser recognises a valid
vehicle key.
The anti-theft alarm is activated when
the vehicle is locked manually using
Manually closing the front
passenger door and rear
Please refer to and at the start of
Fig. 62 In the end face of the right-hand door:
locking the vehicle manually with the spare key.
The front passenger door and the rear doors
can be locked manually. The anti-theft alarm
is not activated in this case → page 83.
— Open the door.
— Remove the rubber seal from the end
face of the door.
Opening and closing