Wireless Interface (WI) ELITE FCC
User Guide V1.0
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Document Information
Wireless Interface (WI) ELITE FCC
Document type
User Guide
Version 1.0
This document applies to the following products:
Wireless Interface (WI) ELITE FCC
Up to: VO8161CA
This document and the use of any information contained therein, is subject to the acceptance of the VOKKERO terms and conditions. They can
be downloaded from www.vokkerousa.com
VOKKERO makes no warranties based on the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make
changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice.
VOKKERO reserves all rights to this document and the information contained herein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without
express permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright © 2016, VOKKERO.
VOKKERO is a registered trademark in the EU and other countries.
Our website contains a lot of useful information: information on modules and wireless modems, user guides, and configuration software and
technical documents which can be accessed 24 hours a day.
If you have technical problems or cannot find the required information in the provided documents, contact our Technical Support on our web-
site: www.vokkerousa.com. This ensures that your request will be processed as soon as possible.
Helpful Information when Contacting Technical Support
When contacting Technical Support, please have the following information ready:
Product type (for example Guardian)
Firmware version (for example V1.0)
A clear description of your question or the problem
A short description of the application
All rights to this manual are the exclusive property of VOKKERO. All rights reserved. Copying this manual (without written permission from the
owner) via printing, copying, recording or by any other means, translating this manual (in full or partially) into any other language, including all
programming languages, using any electrical, mechanical, magnetic or optical devices, manually or any by other methods, is prohibited.
VOKKERO reserves the right to change the technical specifications or functions of its products, or to cease manufacturing any of its products, or
to cease technical support for one of its products without notice in writing and urges its customers to make sure that the information they have
is valid.
VOKKERO configuration software and programs are available free of charge in a non-modifiable version. VOKKERO can make no guarantees,
including guarantees concerning suitability and applicability for a certain type of application. Under no circumstances can the manufacturer, or
the distributor of an VOKKERO program, be held liable for any damage caused by the use of the aforesaid program. Program names, as well as
all copyright relating to programs, are the exclusive property of VOKKERO. Any transfer, granting of licences to a third party, leasing, hire, trans-
port, copying, editing, translation, modification into another programming language or reverse engineering are prohibited without VOKKERO’s
prior written authorisation and consent.