Incubus System User Guide V1.1
Page 24
7 System design
A multi-point loudspeaker system in a club/bar environment can be very pleasing for the
listener. However, it’s important that the processes applied to previous examples are still
implemented. In figure 7.5 you can see the loudspeakers have been positioned and aimed
optimally. When deploying a multi-point loudspeaker system, extra consideration must be
taken to counter unwanted room effects. Careful positioning and aiming of loudspeakers will
minimise room effects, while maintaining even coverage throughout the audience area.
Figure 7.5: Multi point loudspeaker arrangement
Figure 7.6: Correct horizontal dispersion
In the horizontal plane rotate the Air Array loudspeaker toward the audience area at an angle
such that the centre line of the dispersion from each loudspeaker meets about two thirds of
the way towards the rear of the audience area. This will help provide a wider coverage and
result in more of the power being used usefully.