red-y smart series
© Vögtlin Instruments AG
Toxic, flammable gases and ATEX
In the case of toxic and flammable gases, the safety guidelines of the respective country
must be followed. The red-y devices are not approved for use in Ex- zones. In the case of
flammable and toxic gases, fittings and pipes intended for that purpose must be used. The
responsibility for safe operation lies with the designer of the facilities. The devices must not
be used in areas containing explosive mixtures.
Removing a device
Before removing a smart device from installation the power supply of the measuring instru-
ment must be switched off.
Problems with the system usually have manifold causes. Therefore Vögtlin recommends consulting
both the operating instructions of the original equipment manufacturer as well as our operating
instructions before removing the measuring instrument from the system.
Please read al
so chapter “Troubleshooting” in the general operation manual mass flow meter and
controller, part 1.
The equipment fulfills the regulations according to CE.
Please observe the applicable regulations of your country.
Subject to change
Due to our policy of ongoing product development, we reserve the right to change the information
in this manual without notice. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in
any form or by any means without the publisher's prior written permission