Browse Internet Radio Stations
There are 3 easy ways to use the VOCO Controller App
to easily access thousands of internet radio stations and
stream them to your V-Zone+:
1.) Simply tap on the Icon at the top of the screen
and select the online station you would like to stream music
2.)Perform a voice search and instead of selecting the Artist,
Album, or Song results, simply tap on the icon to the right of
any of these 3 results.
3.)Simply hold down on any Artist, Album, or Song listing.
A pop-up window will appear. Select the “Search TuneIn
Radio” option.
Stream YouTube® Videos
There are 2 easy ways to use the VOCO Controller
App to stream YouTube® videos to your TV using
your V-Zone+:
1.) Simply tap on the Icon at the top of the
screen and then tap on the YouTube® Icon.
2.)Simply long press on any Artist, Album, or Song
listing, or on any Artist, Album, or Song search result
and a pop-up window will come up, simply select the
“Search YouTube” option.
The VOCO Voice Controller app also allows you to
use your V-Zone+ to stream YouTube® videos to your
You can search YouTube® for the music videos of the
songs you currently have in your music collection or
you can simply browse YouTube® and find the videos
you would like to stream.