Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677
Linea Plus AG
Central Heating Mode
In this mode the mode selector switch must be
turned to the position.
With all controls calling for heat the motorised
valve returns, mechanically diverting primary
water to the central heating circuit. The pump
will run and with sufficient primary water
pressure the fan starts which results in a
voltage produced by the DAPS. This in turn
will energise the electronic ignition control
box. The gas valve will be energised and the
electrode will start to spark.
If a flame is detected during the ignition at-
tempt period, (8-12 seconds) the sparking will
cease and the gas valve will remain ener-
gised. The appliance will light at 75% of maxi-
mum heat input for a maximum of 15 minutes
then increase to maximum output if required,
or will modulate during the 15 minute period if
the temperature rise is sufficient.
The temperature rise of the primary water is
sensed by the thermistor on the heat
As the temperature of the primary water ap-
proaches that set on the c/h temperature
control, the boiler will modulate as described
in domestic hot water mode.
On reaching the set temperature the gas
valve is de-energised and the burner is extin-
The appliance has an inbuilt delay timer and
re-ignition will not be attempted for approxi-
mately 3 minutes. This can be deactivated.
Constant monitoring of the temperature of the
primary water by the thermistor will regulate
the gas rate to maintain an average heat input.
When the appliance has reached the set tem-
perature and the burner is off, the pump will
continue to run to circulate the primary water
around the c/h system.
Temperature of the central heating is shown
at the temperature indicator whenever the
central heating is on.
If supply to the appliance is broken (e.g. by a
room thermostat or timeclock) the burner is
extinguished the pump stops, the motorised
valve is energised into the hot water mode
waiting for pre-heat or demand for hot water.
However, the fan will continue to run until the
primary water temperature is below 80
Should there be a drop in primary water pres-
sure below 0,2 mbar the pressure switch
could deactivate and de-energise the gas
Self Diagnostic Error Codes
The temperature indicator also serves as an
error code indicator. Should an error occur the
status LED (which is normally green) will flash
red. This will be accompanied by the
temperature indicator flashing an error code
of 01 - 08. Check code and proceed as
01: Failure to ignite (see 6.5.5). To re-set turn
mode selector switch to re-set position for
approximately 10 seconds, then back to origi-
nal position.
02: Overheat - Normally associated with ei-
ther poor or lack of primary water circulation.
Wait for appliance to cool then re-set as de-
scribed for code 01.
03: Problem with fan/flue. Re-set as described
for code 01.
04: Insufficient water pressure. Check
pressure gauge reading, if low restore pressure
(see 6.3.4) then re-set as described in code
01. Re-set as described for code 01.
05: Re-set as described for code 01.
06: Hot water thermistor open circuit.
07: Primary thermistor open circuit.
08: Burner overheat. Reset as described for
code 01.
On the following pages are the fault finding guides. Be sure to read the notes below before
begining any fault finding
To ensure correct fault diagnosis it is important that these guides are carried out in the set order.
Check the electrical supply polarity is correct before carrying out fault finding (lockout will occur if the
polarity is reversed).
To ensure that internal/external controls (if fitted) do not interfere with fault finding, disconnect the wires
from terminals TA & TA (labelling them in the process to ensure correct reconnection) and provide a
solid link between TA & TA.