Supplied By www.heating Tel. 0161 620 6677
Linea Plus AG To use the combustion switch it is important
that the gas pressures are set accurately as
described in 8.23.1- 8.23.3. Remove combustion switch cap on front con-
trol panel by turning 1/4 turn to disengage.
Fig.1, 29 Unscrew flue gas analysis test point fig.1, 23.
Set up flue gas analyser and insert probe into
test point. Using a screwdriver lightly press the black
toggle behind the combustion switch cap once
The appliance will light at maximum rate. At
this point the digital display will show CO to
confirm the appliance is in combustion test
mode. Analyse flue gasses on analyser. Once the analysis is complete lightly press the
black toggle once to disengage the combus-
tion mode. The display will revert to showing
appliance temperature on the digital display.
NOTE: the combustion switch can also be
used when gas rating the appliance.
End of Servicing
Run through the general commissioning as
described in Section 6 as far as they apply.
Refit casing and clean up.
Soft Light Ignition
The Linea range incorporates a fully auto-
matic soft light ignition sequence which is non
When ignition is called for the gas valve is
energised and at the same time 20 m/A is
applied to the modulator coil for a period of
approximately 3 seconds. During this 3 sec-
onds the appliance will ignite.
After the initial 3 seconds power to the modu-
lator coil is gradually increased to a maximum
power of 140 m/A.
140 m/A is applied to the modulator coil for a
further second. If the appliance is operating in
hot water mode the maximum heat input will
be automatically adjusted depending on the
temperature of the appliance.
If the appliance is operating in central heating
mode see 8.24.1.
Maximum Rate in Central Heating Mode.
The Linea range does not require any adjust-
ment to maximum heat requirement of the
system load.
After initial ignition the appliance will auto-
matically reduce the maximum heat input to
75% of its maximum capability for a maximum
period of 15 minutes.
During this 15 minutes should there be suffi-
cient temperature rise of the heating system
the appliance will reduce the heat input to suit
the system load to a point where the maximum
selected temperature is achieved, and the
appliance switches off.
Alternatively should the appliance fail to
achieve sufficient temperature rise within this
15 minute period, the appliance will increase
its maximum heat input to further increase the
temperature of the system.
Once achieved the appliance will modulate to
suit system load.
Combustion Analysis
Incorporated on the appliance is a combus-
tion switch (fig.1, 29). Once the gas pressures
have been set activation of the combustion
switch automatically fires the appliance at
maximum rate in central heating. The appli-
ance will be held at maximum rate until the
maximum temperature of the appliance is
achieved. The appliance will not modulate
during this period.