2550 Video Phone User Manual IMT
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icon and select the field you want to enter data:
Sex: Press left / right key to choose sex of this person
Name: Press number keys 0 to 9 to input the name of this person
Number: Press number keys 0 to 9 to input the phone number of this person
You can press “Delete” key to remove a character or number, and press “Save”
key when you finish. You can also press “Cancel” key to return to previous
After the remote party answers the call, you’ll see following message displayed
on LCD display:
There are 2 video display areas on LCD display: Area “A” displays the image of
remote party, and area “B” displays the image of you. If remote party does not
support video, nothing will be displayed in area A; if you switched video off,
nothing will be displayed in area B. When both remote party and you switch
video off / do not support video, the LCD display will be look like this:
03:00 01/01/2007
2550 1101
Addr Book
Video Off
Hint: If you don’t want to be seen by remote party, you can push the camera lid to
the left, to prevent your image being sent accidentally.