C enter Armres t Monitor
Installation and Connections
T he ba c k s e a t pa s s e nge r mus t fasten
the s a fe ty be lt be fore ope ra ting
the unit.
The width between the front seats must be greater
than the width of the monitor.
8” LCD Monitor 22cm
The space between the front seat and center
console box must be greater than the thickness of
the bracket arms (At least 1.5cm).
Both sides of the brackets should not go beyond
the cases edge of the center console box and not to close
to the driver.
When you install the bracket, please make sure
the height of the left and right bracket should be the
same, and vertical with the transverse axle.
To ensure the top cover of the console box can be
operated, the transverse axle must be higher than
the top cover of console box 3~5cm distance..
If the s hape of c ons ole box is s imilar to F igure A,
pleas e make sure the brac ket and top c over of c ons ole box
is 90 degrees , then continue to ins tall.
If the s hape of the c ons ole box is s imilar to F igure B ,
then let the brac ket and inc line of c ons ole box stay
parallel, then continue to ins tall.
B efore ins tallation, pleas e ens ure the monitor will not
touc h the c ar mats when it’s folded down.
Oblique Installation:
Vertical Installation:
Figure A
Figure B
P l e a s e u s e t h e s h a p e o f t h e
c o ns o le and the position of the
folded monitor to determine the angle
and position of the bracket installation
Whe n the mo nito r is fo lde d, it s ho uld be
pa ra lle l to the fro nt o f the c o ns o le bo x,
and ke e p dis ta nc e mo re tha n 1c m. ( F igure B )