Please read this instruction manual carefully and thoroughly before riding.
It contains important information on safety, and maintenance.
It is the owner’s responsibility to read this manual before riding.
Should any original component prove defective in terms of workmanship within its warranty period, we
will replace it. Warranty period for the electric bikes is as follows.
Frames and rigid forks: 5 years
Electrical components: 2 years with proper care and maintenance
All other components: 2 years with proper care and maintenance.
This warranty does not include labors and transportation charges. The company cannot accept any
responsibility for consequential or special damage. This warranty applies only to the original retail
purchaser who must have a proof of purchase in order to validate any claim. This warranty applies only in
the case of defective components and does not cover the effects of normal wear, nor damage caused by
accident, abuse, excessive loads, neglect, improper assembly, for rental use, improper maintenance or the
addition of any item inconsistent with the original intended use of the bicycle.
No bicycle is indestructible and no claims can be accepted for damage caused by improper use, for rental
use, competition use, stunt riding, ramp jumping and leaping or similar activities. Claims must be
submitted through your retailer. Your statutory rights are not affected.
The company reserves the right to change or amend any specification without notice. All information and
specifications within this brochure are correct at time of printing.
. Conditions for riding
This pedal electric assistance bicycle is designed for riding on road or riding on a paved surface where the
tyres do not lose ground contact. It must be properly maintained according to the instructions found
within this book;
The maximum weight of the rider and load is required to be less than 100kg.
Safe cycling and safety tips:
Before you ride your pedal electric assistance bicycle always make sure it is in a safe operating condition.
Particularly check that your:
• Nuts, bolts, quick-release and parts refastened tight and not worn or damaged
• Riding position is comfortable
• Brakes are operating effectively
• Steering is free with no excessive play
• Wheels run true and hub bearings are correctly adjusted
• Wheels are properly secured and locked to frame/fork
• Tyres are in good condition and inflated to correct pressure
• Pedals are securely tightened to pedal cranks