Taking A GKI Testing
You will know your GKI (Glucose Ketone Index) result after performing blood
glucose and blood β-ketone test.
1. Enter GKI testing mode
When meter is on, press
power button
for 3s, the symbol of GKI and a test strip
will both flash, then press
power button
again to confirm.
2. Performing Blood Glucose Testing
The symbol of “GLU”, “GKI” and a test strip will appear letting you know the meter
is ready to test blood glucose.
Insert the VivaChek™ blood glucose test strip into the meter, the symbol of a test
strip with flashing blood will appear letting you know the meter is ready to test.
Immediately touch the tip of the test strip to the drop of blood, the meter counts
down from 5 to 1, your blood glucose result appears on the display after a beep.
The test result will display for 1 second and automatically be stored in the meter
memory, then the meter turns to blood β-ketone testing.