2 Bathtub must be carried upside down. It must never be carried by its panel.
Küvet tafl›n›rken ters olarak tafl›nmal›d›r. Asla panellerden tutarak tafl›nmamal›d›r
In this range, the ‘hidden overflow ’ is connected by the manufacturer to regular bathtubs and whirlpools (hydromassage) Th
erefore, the product is delivered with its
hidden overflow installation being completed. The bathtub is placed to the local installation area and the perimeter of its
bottom is marked Inside the marked area,
as illustrated in the technical diagram, the 50 mm diameter water outlet pipe is installed from the center shown in the drawing, in the area indicated by the letter “A",
and the water inlet pipes are installed to the centerline of the faucet above the bathtub, in the area indicated by the lett
er "C". If this is a whirlpool (hydro massage)
bathtub, inside the marked area, also a 220 V Phase, Neutral and Ground electric lines have to be connected (see the area indic
ated by the letter "E") as properly
fitting the position of the bathtub. For the technical scheme, the technical information sheet should be considered. No water outlet muff should be left in the area
indicated by the letter "B" Note: External bathtub faucet application should be made with a minimum distance of 100 mm to the bathtub and according to bathtub
location. The axle distance between the hot and cold water inlet pipes should be adjusted as per the technical drawing of fauc
et.Should the bathtub be used with a
wall adaptor, the water inlet should be left on the wall as shown in the echnical scheme.
Bu seride düz ve hidromasajl› küvetlere ‘Gizli
aflmal› Sifon’ (hidden overflow) üretici taraf›ndan bağlanmaktad›r. Bu sebeple sifon montaj› ürün üzerine yap›lm›fl
flekildedir. Küvet, montaj› yap›lacak yere konur ve taban alan› kadar yere flekli çizilir. Bu çizimin orta noktas›ndan teknik flemada belirtildiği flekilde "A" ile iflaretli alanda
50 mm çapl› pis su gider bağlant› tesisat borusu ile "C" ile iflaretli alanda küvet üzeri batarya aks mesafelerine tesisat boru hatlar› çekilir. Ürün hidromasajl› küvet ise
çizili alan içerisinde 220 volt elektrik bağlant› hatt› (bkz "E" ile gösterilen alan) küvet yönüne göre Faz, Nötür ve
oprak olarak çekilir."B" ile gösterilen alana kesinlikle
gider mufu b›rak›lmamal›d›r. D›flar›dan batarya uygulamas›, küvet çap›n›n 100 mm d›fl›nda olacak flekilde ve küvet yerleflimine göre yap›lmal›d›r. S›cak ve soğuk su aks
mesafesi batarya teknik çizimine göre ayarlanmal›d›r. (
eknik flema için ürünün teknik bilgiler föyüne bak›n›z).
The bathtub is taken into level via a water level in the local installation area.
Küvet, montaj› yap›lacak yerde teraziye al›n›r
The bathtub is placed on supporting wedges and on its bottom panel.
Notice: During the infrastructure installation, the bathtub should not be turned in order to prevent its weight to be on the monobloc sides, rather it should be put on
the supporting wedges.
Alt yap› montaj› için küvet montaj› yap›lacak yerde tafl›y›c› destekler üzerine oturtulur
Dikkat: Alt yap› montaj› s›ras›nda, küvet yan çevrilmemeli ve yan panellere ağ›rl›k binmemelidir
Installation of 4 Life Cocoon Bathtub /
4 Life Cocoon Montaj Adımları