1 March, 2005
Page 5 of 32
Due to the large amount of IO available on the V1682, a variety of rear panels are available. Presently
there are four; two for the 3U chassis, V1606, and another two for the 1U chassis, V1601. The L type
rears provide most of the possible facilities, except for the last two SDI outputs, but the audio
connections are on a less convenient multi-pole connector. This means that if separate audio
connectors are needed then a ‘break-out’ box will be required. The P type rears provide direct
unbalanced AES audio connection on BNC connectors, but not all signals are available.
This manual has generally been written assuming that one of the L type rear panels is being used with
access to all signals.
2.1 3
For the 3U Chassis two types of rear panel are available. The 16VR3L provides connections for all
possible I/O using a high density D-type connector for the audio and other ancillary signals, such as GPI
and AES reference. For those applications where unbalanced audio is used and not all connections are
needed, then a nine BNC panel is available, the 16VR3P. This has the advantage of simpler cable
connections, but at the expense of losing some signals.
Connection details are given in section 2.3.
V 1 682
V A L ID R e a d e r
V 1 682
V A L ID R e a d e r
A E S U n b a l