VISTEK V1679 single-mode fibre
data transceiver
Carrier / Lock / Laser Fail Indicators
The meaning of these LEDs is as follows:
LED Off:
No Carrier (no or weak optical signal at input)
LED Green:
Carrier is present
LED Off:
Synchronization between two V1679 boards has failed
LED Green:
Link has been established, Error free data transmission
Laser Fail:
LED Off:
Laser Transmitter is good
LED Red:
Laser Diode Failure (Diode has reached end-of-life or ambient temperature
is too high (> 70°C) and the Laser has shut down automatically)
Serial Comms Activity Indicators
The serial comms activity LEDs show what's going on in the optical domain – and not in the electrical, i.e.
RxD on the Dsub connector (electrical domain) becomes TxD in the optical domain and vice versa.
COM1,2 Rx:
No activity
Green: Serial Data is being received from the module through the fibre link
COM1,2 Tx:
No activity
Green: Serial Data is being sent from the module through the fibre link