Template Operators Manual
Rear Panel
Issue No: 1
Page: 19
Ref: DVE6-ASUM-70xx
Copyright © 2019 IMT and Vislink are Vislink Technologies Inc. companies
RF1 Output
The RF1 Output connector is a 50
N-type connector that provides the prime RF
output at L-band.
Maximum output is +5dBm.
For systems with high gain, you can configure the maximum output to -5dBm
for a 0dB reading from the front panel.
The control range is 40dB. You may adjust this continuously during transmission.
The recommended system operation level is -10dB, read from the front panel, to
ensure an adequate control range and the best linearity of the system.
You can add a 10MHz precision reference signal to the L-band output, set using
the RF OPTIONS > BUC DC menu. This provides a reference HPAs or SPPAs.
Ensure this option is disabled when not in use.
WARNING: The RF1 connector can have DC present.
RF2 Output
This 50
N-type connector provides an L-band –30dB+/-3dB reduced output,
relative to the L-band at the RF connector.
This monitor connector provides connection to a local IRD or spectrum analyser.
NOTE: No DC or 10MHz reference is present at this connector.
ASI Input
This 75
BNC enables the multiplexing of an external ASI stream with the
internal “service” of the exciter.
The internal service (encoder) may be turned off from the REMUX menu option.
This allows you to use the DVE6100 Exciter as a ‘modulator’, but has a
multiplexer overhead.
For true modulator only mode, purchase a “modulator” licence. This license
reduces the overhead.
See multiplexer option in “Operation Guide” section of this manual.
Combiner IN
This 50
TNC connector provides a 950 - 2150MHz input port. This allows the
internal encoder / modulator / L-band up-converter to combine the signal or
The combiner is “passive” to prevent corruption of the combined signal should
the DVE6100 Exciter fail.
The combiner has a loss of approximately 6dB. Allow for the loss in the settings
of any external additional carrier(s).
The L-band monitor output comes after the combining process.
No DC or 10MHz pass-through is available on this connector.
NOTE: Terminate the combiner input with 50
when not in use.