Step 1: Measuring Charcoal
Set bottom vents wide open and open lid. Replace
cast iron charcoal grate in bottom of fire bowl.
Measure out the amount of charcoal needed. For
grilling, fill the fire bowl with enough charcoal
to just cover the air holes. For smoking foods at
low temperatures for longer periods of time (1.5
hours+) you will need to add a little more charcoal,
up to approximately 2” (50 mm) above the same
air holes. Use lump charcoal for best results.
S t e p 3 : S e t t i n g
Te m p e r a t u r e
When charcoal is ready, level it out for even heat distribution. Close the
lid. Set the top and bottom vents to the desired setting by referring to
the Setting Temperature section in this manual that tells what number
calibrations to use to attain the cooking temperature you want. Give your
kamado 5-15 minutes to settle into the cooking temperature you want
before you put food on the grill.
NOTE: If smoking, do not bring your temperature up above 300ºF/150ºC.
A )
Spread hot charcoal evenly over grate.
B )
Set top and bottom vents for cooking.
C )
Let temperature stabilize.
Top Vent
Step 2: Starting Charcoal
Open the electric starter flipper door and insert
starter as far as possible then plug in.
Wait until edges of charcoal turn
white and flames are licking the
mound of charcoal. On average,
it takes 8 - 12 minutes to start
the charcoal.
Electric Starter sold separately on some models.
S t e p 4 : G e t C o o k i n g
Do not cook until the charcoal has a coating of ash. Use a wire grill
brush to clean the cooking grate. That’s it - you are ready for the
cooking experience of your life. Go to for recipes.
Charcoal Fill Level
S t e p 5 : A s h R e m o v a l
Always let the ashes cool before removing. Prior to each use, lift and
pull out Removable Ash Drawer and dispose of ash.
Switching from Gas Insert
WARNING: Grill, Gas Insert, Heat Exchanger, Charcoal Grate(s), Lava Stone
and Brackets must be cooled before removal.
1) Close the gas tank valve and the gas hose that connects the Gas Insert.
The gas must be turned to “CLOSED” position at the gas cylinder.
2) Remove Heat Exchanger from top of Gas Insert.
3) Lift and pull Gas Insert from front of grill.
4) Store Gas Tank, Hose, Gas Insert and Heat Exchanger in cool, dry place,
out of the elements.
Note: Do not store the Gas Cylinder in Gas Tank Caddy when cooking with charcoal.
Bottom Vent
Control Knobs