background image


3. Assemble the Post:

 Slide the Post together, securing it to 

each bracket of assembled Evolution Wine Wall rack (Figure C). 

4. Install the Post & Rack

: Stand the Post and rack combo 

in the desired location and ensure it is plumb both front-to-back and 

side-to-side using a level. Attach the mounting plate to the ceiling 

using the appropriate fasteners for the ceiling material (Figure D). 

Double check that the post is plumb with a level and secure the 

mounting plate to the floor.

5. Add Wine: 

Only the good stuff.

Figure C

Figure D

For installations using Wine Wall Extensions

Skip Step 1, and after measuring and cutting Posts (Steps 2 & 3), 

use the following steps:

4x. Assemble the Posts: 

Slide the Post together, securing it to 

each bracket of an Evolution Wine Wall rack (Figure C). 

5x. Install the first Post:

 Stand the first Post with one end of 

Wine Wall racking attached in the desired location and ensure it is 

plumb, both front-to-back and side-to-side, using a level. Attach the 

mounting plate to the ceiling using the appropriate fasteners for the 

ceiling material (Figure D). Double check that the post is plumb with 

a level and secure the mounting plate to the floor.

6x: Assemble “Guide Rods”:

 Following Wine Wall Exten-

sion (sold separately) instructions, install three sets of Wine Rods the 

