© 2012 Viking Preferred Service
Service Tests (continued)
146 Machine Compartment Thermistor
This test will check the machine compartment temperature. You will see the actual temperature, OP open
thermistor, or SH shorted thermistor.
151 Fresh Food Door State
This test will check the fresh food door switch(es). When either door is open, the display should read OP (open)
and when both doors are closed, the display should read CL (closed).
By pushing either fresh food door switches, you can toggle state from OP (open) to CL (closed).
152 Freezer Food Door State
This test will check the freezer door switches. When the door is open, the display should read OP (open) and
when the door is closed, the display should read CL (closed).
By pushing freezer door switch, you can toggle state from OP (open) to CL (closed).
153 Disable Internal light
This test will enable or disable the internal lights.
1 4 6
7 2
Press either button to toggle
through test cycles
Actual temperature in freezer
compartment, OP or SH
1 5 1
Press either button to toggle
through test cycles
1 5 2
Press either button to toggle
through test cycles
1 5 3
Press either button to toggle
through test cycles
Press either button to
to turn internal lights ON or OFF