![Viking Microfast M-5 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1](http://html.mh-extra.com/html/viking/microfast-m-5/microfast-m-5_technical-data_1024700001.webp)
Vi king Microfast
Model M-5 Res i den -
tial Hor i zon tal Side wall Sprin kler
Base Part No. 09533
Avail able since 1996.
The Vi king Cor po ra tion
210 N. In dus trial Park Road
Hastings, Mich i gan 49058, USA
Tele phone:
(616) 945-9501
(877) 384-5464
(616) 945-9599
e-mail: [email protected]
The Vi king Microfast
Model M-5 Res i -
den tial Hor i zon tal Side wall Sprin kler is a
small, high-sensitivity, glass-bulb res i -
den tial spray sprin kler. The sprin kler is
avail able in sev eral fin ishes, with tem -
per a ture rat ings to meet vary ing de sign
re quire ments. The or i fice de sign, with a
K-factor of 5.5, al lows ef fi cient use of
avail able wa ter sup plies for the hy drau li -
cally de signed fire-protection sys tem.
The small, rug ged 3 mm glass bulb and
spe cial de flec tor com bine speed of op -
er a tion and area of cov er age to meet
res i den tial sprin kler stan dards, while
pro vid ing be ing aes thet i cally pleas ing.
The sprin kler is listed for use be low
smooth, flat, hor i zon tal ceil ings and
ceil ings with slopes up to and in clud -
ing a 6/12 (26.6°) pitch.
Dur ing fire con di tions, the heat-sensitive
liq uid in the glass bulb ex pands, caus ing
the glass to shat ter, re leas ing the
pip-cap and seal ing spring as sem bly.
The wa ter flow ing through the sprin kler
or i fice strikes the sprin kler de flec tor,
form ing a uni form spray pat tern to ex tin -
guish or con trol the fire.
Re fer to Ta ble 1 on page 142 L.
See chart for min i mum wa ter sup ply re -
quire ments and max i mum ar eas of
cov er age. Re fer also to In stal la tion
—Fig ure 1 (page 142 m)
—Fig ure 2 (page 142 n)
Glass-bulb fluid tem per a ture rated to
-65 °F (-55 °C).
Rated to 175 psi (1 207 kPa) wa ter work -
ing pres sure.
Fac tory tested hy dro stati cally to 500 psi
(3 448 kPa).
Spring: USA Pat ent No. 4,167,974
Bulb: USA Pat ent No. 4,796,710
Testing: USA Pat ent No. 4,831,870
Thread Size: ½" (15 mm) NPT
Or i fice Size: Nom i nal ½" (13 mm)
K-factor: 5.5 U.S. (7,9 Met ric*)
* Met ric K-factor shown is for use when pres sure is
mea sured in kPa. When pres sure is mea sured in
BAR, mul ti ply the met ric K-factor shown by 10.0.
Frame: Brass Cast ings UNS-C84400
De flec tor: Cop per UNS-C19500
Bulb: Glass, nom i nal 3 mm di am e ter
Seal: Tef lon
Spring: Nickel Al loy
Screw: Brass UNS-C36000
Pip Cap: Cop per UNS-C11000 and
Stain less Steel UNS-S30400
Sprin kler Wrenches:
Stan dard: Part No. 05000CW/B
Re cessed: Part No. 07398W
Re fer to the “SPRIN KLER AC CES -
SORIES” sec tion of the Vi king En gi -
neering and De sign Data book for tech -
ni cal data on es cutch eons.
Vi king sprin klers are avail able through a
net work of do mes tic, Ca na dian, and in -
ter na tional dis trib u tors. See the Yel low
Pages of the tele phone di rec tory for a lo -
cal dis trib u tor (listed un der “Sprin -
klers-Automatic-Fire”) or con tact Vi king.
Vi king Tech ni cal Data may be found on
The Vi king Cor po ra tion’s Web site at
The Web site may in clude a more re cent
edi tion of this Tech ni cal Data page.
For de tails of war ranty, re fer to Vi king’s
cur rent price sched ule or con tact The Vi -
king Cor po ra tion di rectly.
WARNING: Vi king sprin klers are man u -
fac tured and tested to meet the rigid re -
quire ments of ap prov ing agen cies. The
sprin klers are de signed to be in stalled in
ac cor dance with rec og nized in stal la tion
stan dards. De vi a tion from the stan dards
or any al ter ation to the sprin kler af ter it
leaves the fac tory in clud ing, but not lim -
ited to: paint ing, plat ing, coat ing, or
mod i fi ca tion, may ren der the sprin kler
in op er a tive and will au to mat i cally nul lify
the ap proval and any guar an tee made
by The Vi king Cor po ra tion.
A. Sprin klers are to be in stalled in ac cor -
dance with the lat est pub lished stan -
dards of the Na tional Fire Pro tec tion
As so ci a tion, Fac tory Mu tual, Loss
Pre ven tion Coun cil, Assemblee
P l e n i e r e , V e r b a n d d e r
Sachversicherer or other sim i lar or -
ga ni za tions, and also with pro vi sions
of gov ern men tal codes, or di nances,
and stan dards when ever ap pli ca ble.
For con di tions not spe cif i cally cov -
ered by the Stan dards, re fer to the
“Vi king Res i den tial In stal la tion
Guide”. Fi nal ap proval and ac cep -
tance of all res i den tial sprin kler in -
stal la tions must be ob tained from the
Au thor ity Hav ing Ju ris dic tion. Res i -
den tial sprin klers are spe cial-service
s p r i n k l e r s f o r u s e i n o n e - a n d
two-family dwell ings, mo bile homes,
and res i den tial por tions of other oc -
cu pan cies, where al lowed. The use
of res i den tial hor i zon tal side wall
sprin klers may be lim ited due to oc -
cu pancy and haz ard. The min i mum
flow rate in di cated for a listed area of
cov er age must be pro vided at the
sprin kler. There fore, the sys tem
must be hy drau li cally cal cu lated. Re -
fer to the Au thor ity Hav ing Ju ris dic -
tion prior to in stal la tion.
B. Sprin klers must be han dled with care.
They must be stored in a cool, dry
place in their orig i nal con tainer.
Never in stall sprin klers that have
been dropped or dam aged in any
way. Never in stall any glass-bulb
sprin kler if the bulb is cracked or if
there is a loss of liq uid from the bulb.
If a glass bulb lacks the ap pro pri ate
amount of fluid, it should be set aside
and re turned to Vi king (or an au tho -
rized Vi king dis trib u tor) for anal y sis
as soon as pos si ble. If the sprin kler is
not re turned to Vi king, it should be
de stroyed im me di ately. Never in stall
sprin klers that have been ex posed to
tem per a tures in ex cess of max i mum
am bi ent tem per a ture al lowed. Such
sprin klers should be de stroyed im -
me di ately.
C. Cor ro sion-resistant sprin klers must
be in stalled when sub ject to cor ro -
sive at mo spheres. Vi king Microfast
Model M-5 Res i den tial Hor i zon tal
Sprin kler 142 j
Re places sprin kler page 142 j-n, dated June 4, 1998
(re vised pip-cap ma te ri als).
May 27, 1999
Form No. F_060297
Units of mea sure in pa ren the ses may be ap prox i ma tions.