Nominal battery voltage
Recommended charged voltage setting
12 V
13.2 V
24 V
26.4 V
36 V
39.6 V
48 V
52.8 V
4.5.3. Set state of charge
In VictronConnect see:
Settings > Battery > Battery starts synchronized
When set to ON, the battery monitor will consider itself synchronised when powered-up, resulting in a state of charge of 100%. If
set to OFF, the battery monitor will consider it unsynchronised when powered-up, resulting in a state of charge that is unknown
until the first actual synchronisation.
For VictronConenct only: The initial state of charge value can also be manually set, by default this is 100%, and can be set to a
different value if so desired. See:
Settings > Battery > State-of-charge
4.5.4. Set the auxiliary input function
In VictronConnect see:
Settings > Misc > Aux input
This setting sets the function of the auxiliary input, being:
• Starter battery - Voltage monitoring of a second battery.
• Midpoint - Measuring the midpoint of a battery bank.
• Temperature - Measuring battery temperature via optional temperature sensor.
4.6. Make Lithium settings (if needed)
LiFePO4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate or LFP) is the most used Li-ion battery chemistry. The factory defaults are in general also
applicable to LFP batteries with exception of these settings:
• Tail current
• Peukert exponent
• Charge efficiency
• Discharge floor
Tail current
In VictronConnect see:
Settings > Battery > Tail current
Some lithium battery chargers stop charging when the current drops below a set threshold. The tail current must be set higher in
this case.
Peukert exponent
In VictronConnect see:
Settings > Battery > Peukert exponent
When subjected to high discharge rates, lithium batteries perform much better than lead-acid batteries. Set the Peukert exponent
at 1.05, unless the battery supplier advises otherwise.
Charge efficiency
In VictronConnect see:
Settings > Battery > Charge efficiency factor
The charge efficiency of lithium batteries is much higher than that of lead acid batteries. We recommend setting the charge
efficiency at 99%.
Discharge floor
In VictronConnect see: S
ettings > Battery > Discharge floor
This setting is used in “the time to go” calculation and is set at 50% by default for lead acid batteries. However, lithium batteries
usually can be discharged significantly deeper than 50%. The discharge floor can be set to a value between 10 and 20%, unless
the battery supplier advises otherwise.
Important warning
Lithium batteries are expensive and can be irreparably damaged due to very deep discharge or overcharge. Damage due to deep
discharge can occur if small loads slowly discharge the battery when the system is not in use. Some examples of these loads are
alarm systems, standby currents of DC loads and back current drain of battery chargers or charge regulators.
Manual - SmartShunt
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