3. Reconfigure the unit as required.
E6: Reference voltage failure
Internal malfunction - reference voltage failure/missing.
• Contact dealer for support - Fault is not user correctable and SBP requires replacement.
E7: BMS lockout
BMS lockout protection is activated in the event the external BMS requests the SBP to consecutively disengage and then
re-engage 3 times (typical behaviour during a shut down due to low cell voltage).
Once E7 is activated, the SBP will remain disengaged until input voltage exceeds 13 V (for 12 V systems) or 26 V (for 24 V
1. Check BMS error codes/log to identify the cause of shut-down and rectify issue.
2. Switch off/disconnect loads and recharge the battery.
3. Check wiring between BMS and SBP Remote terminal.
4. Check BMS for proper operation.
E8: Reverse current
Reverse current protection is activated in the event that reverse current flow is detected.
CAUTION: The SBP is designed to allow or prevent current flow from IN to OUT terminals ONLY. Reverse
current flow is strictly forbidden and may permanently damage the SBP.
Uncontrolled reverse current will flow through a Smart BatteryProtect if Vout > Vin. Therefore, never use a
Smart BatteryProtect for battery to battery charging.
1. Check that the SBP installation orientation is correct - current flow must be from IN to OUT (refer to example wiring
2. Confirm that no charging sources are inadvertently connected to the SBP OUT terminal/circuit.
3. If the SBP is used to disconnect a charge source, confirm that no loads are inadvertently connected to the SBP IN terminal/
Smart BatteryProtect 12/24V
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