Battery Care
1. Remove the battery. See page 70.
2. Clean oxidation from battery posts and cable connectors with a wire brush. Wash the
posts and cable connectors with a solution of one part baking soda to 16 parts water.
Rinse with clean water and wipe dry. Apply a thin film of dielectric grease to the posts
and cable connectors.
3. Clean the outside of the battery with a solution of mild detergent and warm water.
4. Store the battery in a dry area with a temperature of 32° to 90° F (0° to 32° C).
5. While in storage, fully charge the battery monthly. If the motorcycle will not be used for
a period of six months or longer, a maintenance charger should be connected to the
battery. See page 70.
Motorcycle Covers
Cover the motorcycle with a genuine VICTORY motorcycle cover or a cover made from a
durable, breathable material designed for storage. The cover must be of a breathable material
to prevent moisture build-up, which can cause oxidation of metal surfaces.
Protection from Rodents
If the motorcycle will be stored in an area where mice are a concern (rural areas, barns,
sheds, etc.), take extra measures to deter infestation. This may include placing a screen mesh
over any intake or exhaust openings.
Removal From Storage
1. Remove the cover and any intake or exhaust coverings.
2. Unlock the front forks (if locked).
3. Verify that tire pressure is at specification.
4. Install the battery and perform an electrical inspection.
5. Check the oil level. If the motorcycle was stored in an area subject to wide swings in
temperature and humidity (such as outdoors), change the engine oil before starting the
engine. See page 49, beginning with step 3.
NOTICE: During storage, temperature and humidity changes can cause condensation to form in the
crankcase and mix with engine oil. Running the engine with oil that contains condensation
can cause engine damage.
6. Inspect the storage area for signs of fluid leaks. Identify and perform service to any
leaking components.
7. Install new spark plugs if necessary.
8. Wash and polish the motorcycle. Wax, polish, or apply protectant to appropriate
9. Perform the pre-ride inspections. See page 32.
10. Perform a road test. See page 47.