X992 Rev 202 V1305R-DC
5. Strip off 1.5 inches (4 cm) of the outer cable covering. Remove approximately 0.25 inches (0.6 cm) of
insulation from the end of each of the conductors.
6. Wire the conductors to the appropriate screw terminals on screw terminal TB1 on the Communications
Module. Refer to Figure 4 and Table 10.
7. Tighten the screws on the terminal blocks to secure the wires and secure the cables with the cable ties
Table 10
Connections to Distribution Line Control, Star Configuration
Module Connector
TB1 Pin No.
Signal Name
Distribution Line
Signal Name
Command in +
Command out +
Command in -
Command out -
Shield (ground)
Shield (ground)
Command in +
Command out +
Command in -
Command out -
Shield (ground)
Shield (ground)
Response out +
Response in +
Response out -
Response in -
Shield (ground)
Shield (ground)
Daisy-Chain Configuration
1. Unscrew the domed sealing nut of a cable entry fitting. Refer to Figure 2.
2. Route the cable(s) from the control system to the receiver. Note that if another receiver or Distribution Line
Control (DL) is in the communications line between the receiver and the control system, the cables are
actually routed directly from that component.
3. Slip the sealing nut over the cable with the threads facing toward the end of the cable. Position the sealing
nut approximately 10 inches (25 cm) from the end of the cable(s).
4. The next component in the communications line is a DL or a receiver. Route the cables from the next
component in the communications line to the receiver. Slip the sealing nut over the cable with the threads
facing toward the end of the cable. Position the sealing nut approximately 10 inches (25 cm) from the end of
the cable(s).
5. Insert the end of the cables through the cable entry fitting and thread the nut onto the fitting. Tighten the
sealing nut firmly and secure the cables.
6. Strip off 1.5 inches (4 cm) of the outer cable covering. Remove approximately 0.25 inches (0.6 cm) of
insulation from the end of each of the conductors.
7. Wire the conductors to the appropriate screw terminals on screw terminal TB1 on the Communications
Module. Refer to Figure 4 and Table 11.
8. Tighten the screws on the terminal blocks to secure the wires and secure the cables with the cable ties