Version 1.03.0000
Stage 4: Hydrocarbon and CO Removal
Air is next channeled into a stainless steel catalyst chamber where background hydrocarbons and carbon
monoxide are oxidized. This chamber is filled with a highly efficient platinum catalyst, heated to very high
temperatures to ensure hydrocarbon removal to less than 0.1 ppm.
Catalyst temperature is a critical factor in the purification process. The temperature is monitored and
controlled with a digital thermostat on the control board. A type “K” thermocouple is embedded in the
catalyst chamber to provide the temperature measurement. Any time the catalyst temperature is outside of
the specified limits, appropriate LEDs are illuminated.
Stage 5: Final Filtration
A final high-grade filter is used to remove 99.99% of particulates greater than 0.5 microns in size. This will
ensure that no harmful particles will be able to enter your analyzer.
Outlet Solenoid valve
A solenoid valve, driven by the control board, enables or disables output flow of the system. The valve is
always closed when power is off during warm up of the unit, or when the control board detects a system fault.
Faults include low or high inlet pressure, low or high catalyst temperature, expired catalyst time and dryer
valve switching failure.
Pressure Controls
Both inlet and outlet pressure regulators supplied with the unit are pre-set at the factory for your convenience.
With a source pressure between 4.5 bar – 10 bar the inlet pressure regulator limits the inlet pressure of the
system to 7 bar (minimum 4.5 – maximum 7.5). At the output, the forward pressure regulator is set to deliver
ultra zero grade air at a pressure of 6 bar. This setting can be lowered if desired.