Creating a new you!
Use two adults to move the unit.
Grasp the bottom of the unit to move it.
Place the unit on a level, sturdy suface
The unit should be at least 6 inches from any other object. (Walls, furniture, etc)
Do not place the unit near any mosture source. This could cause an electrical shock.
Do not disassemble or attempt to modify the unit, as this may cause excessive damage, injury ot electrical shock. It will also void the
Do not operate the unit near any combustible material.
Make sure the unit is level before operating.
On the bottom of the unit are adjustable leveling feet. These feet screw out for adjustment.
If the unit is noisy, it is because it is not level. Determine which foot needs to be adjusted and adjust the foot so that equal contact with the
floor is made with all of the feet. Then tighten the nuts on all of the adjustable feet so they will maintain their proper position.
Read this entire manual before operating the VibraTrim VT300
Understand and know the remote control features before using the Vibratrim VT300
The VibraTrim VT300 should not be used by infants, small children, weak, those that cannot maintain their balance without assistance,
those that need assistance getting on the VT300. The VibraTrim V1 is designed for those that need assistance as it has built in
support with arms to hold on to.
For the safe use of the VibraTrim VT300 be sure that the machine is level and all four legs have solid contact with the floor. Improper
placement can cause excessive noise and possible damage.
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