Chapter 6
mA-6806 Vector Signal Transceiver User Interface Client
VST Generator
mA-6806 AXIe Vector Signal Transceiver Operation Manual
Rev. C0
Page 62
July 2019
Normalize Function
Normalize function reduces measurement inaccuracies which may occur due to
temperature drifts, optimizing things like carrier leak, IQ gain and balance, Third order
intercept (IP3), level, and down converter level correction. This should be performed as
often as desired by the user to correct for temperature and time drift (typically at the start
of the day, once equipment is temperature stable).
Use the Utility Button to open the Normalize Function, as shown above, the bottom
off the window will expand into Normalization task.
Be sure to remove all power from ports of mA-6806 before continuing.
Figure 36
Normalize Expanded
Figure 37
Normalize power warning