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viasis 3003 user manual
6.10.2 Viasis PLUS matrix editor – bitmaps
Beside text the LED matrix can also show so called bitmap graphic. In the right column of the
matrix editor window up to 31 bitmap graphic characters can be defined:
As bitmaps also country specific special characters, as Umlauts, apostrophic characters, etc.,
can be defined. By a click on the number button left of the bitmap the character or the graphic
is placed in the active line, respectively in its text at the current cursor position, see also illus-
tration 53, Bitmap 17.
In the page line the bitmap is placed by its bitmap number, delimited by apostrophes (e. g.
’17’), therefore the use of apostrophes in the text is not allowed.
In order to edit or create new bitmaps double click with the mouse the bitmap picture behind
the number button and the
bitmap editor
will appear.
6.10.3 Bitmap editor
A pixel (LED) is activated / deac-
tivated with a left/right mouse click
in the bitmap editor. With the but-
all pixel are cleared.
Before you start editing the bitmap
set the width of your bitmap, resp.
the number of needed LED col-
umns with
button. The max-
imal width of the bitmap is the ma-
trix column width, which can be
found in the Viamatrix menu
Illustration 53: bitmap column at right side of the matrix editor
Illustration 54: Bitmap editor