the Temperature Probe is also reduced
w h e n s u b j e c t e d t o v e r y h i g h
temperatures. Probe operating range
is –58º to 482 ºF.
5 . 7 . 1 S e l e c t t h e Te m p e r a t u r e º C o r º F
function with the rotary switch.
5.7.2 Insert the temperature probe connector
into the K-type thermocouple adapter.
Insert the adapter into the front of the
meter with the negative pin in the COM
terminal socket. Touch the end of the
tem peraturese nsor to the a rea or
surface of the object to be measured.
5.8 Frequency(Hz)
5.8.1 Select the “Hz” Frequency function with
the rotary switch.
5.8.2 Insert the black lead into the COM
5.8.3 Insert the red lead into the V-
5.8.4 Connect the Black test probe to ground.
5.8.5 Connect the Red test probe to the
“signal out” wire of the sensor to be
5.9 Dwell angle ( )
5.9.1 Select the “DWELL” function with the
rotary switch.
5.9.2 Insert the Black lead into the COM
5.9.3 Insert the Red lead in V-
-RPM terminal.
5.9.4 Connect the Black test probe to ground.
5.9.5 Connect the Red test probe to the wire
that connects to the breaker points (see
5.10 Duty Cycle (%)
5.10.1 Select the “% Duty Cycle” function with
the rotary switch.
5.10.2 Insert the black lead into the COM
5.10.3 Insert the red lead into the V-
5.10.4 Connect the Black test probe to ground.
5.10.5 Connect the Red test probe to the signal
wire circuit.
The illustration for a mixture control solenoid is
shown with the metering rod in the closed position.
The meter will display the percentage of time the
plunger is in the closed position during one duty