Heat Recovery Units
Before a emp ng to carry out any work on our units, all accompanying documenta on
including warning labels on the unit must be referenced.
Should it be necessary to remove any component ensure that these are secured into posi on
once reinstalled. It is cri cal that a er any maintenance work has been conducted that all
components removed/replaced be refitted correctly by a competent engineer.
Before a emp ng to carry out any maintenance work, inves ga ve or repair work on our
units, the unit
from its electrical supply. Ensure a minimum
of two minutes a er electrical disconnec on before removing access panels. This will allow
any moving parts to come to a rest.
Care should also be taken when accessing external units as the wind and elements may cause
moving parts to ‘windmill’.
In general, this series of units require little maintenance. In the unlikely event of component
failure, spares are available from stock at VES Andover Ltd.
When accessing the unit ensure the access panels are handled/opened in a controlled manner
so as to avoid damage to the unit or injury to personnel. This is par cularly important with
bottom access units. Ensure the AHU has been allowed to completely cool before a emp ng
any work to the unit
For units featuring dual hinge/handle access, please see page 6 for further details
For bo om access units, should it be necessary to remove the heat exchanger from the unit
casework take care to ensure that all components are correctly supported during their removal.
Remove the lids and central mullion from the unit, exposing the bypass damper. As an addi onal
safety measure some components are held into place using PK screws. Remove the required
components with care and ensure all components are replaced correctly.
units feature plug & socket connec ons to allow easy removal/replacement
of key components. Depending on the plug type, separate the plug connec on by hand
(tools not required) by either li ing the locking lever
or by pressing the top/bo om clasp
mechanism to open
On reconnec on, the assembly features a loca ng lug to ensure correct orienta on. Once
rejoined, lock the connec on together again using the corresponding system as shown.
Note the plugs are handed and forcing an incorrect connec on may result in damage to the plug.
Plug & socket opera on
Cau on