IP Address
Enter IP Address.
GPRS Data Attach
Attach the selected service provider.
GSM Data Attach
Attach the selected service provider.
Detach Data Account
Detach the selected service provider.
[General Settings]
Access Type
Select the Access Type option from GPRS preferred / GSM only / GPRS only.
Push Access
Sets the WAP push access option.
Load Images
Sets to display the image in WAP.
Memory Use
Select the Memory type from Phone/Micro SD Card.
Data Account
GSM Settings
Setup : Using this function, you can set the selected service provider’s data call type, dial-
up number, log-in name and password.
Add : Using this function, you can add a new service provider.
Edit : Using this function, you can edit the name of the selected service provider.
Delete : Using this function, you can delete the selected service provider.
GPRS Settings
Setup : Using this function, you can set the selected service provider’s APN, Log-in Name,
Password and Local address.
Add : Using this function, you can add a new service provider.
Edit : Using this function, you can edit the name of the selected service provider.
Delete : Using this function, you can delete the selected service provider.
Standby Mode
Press 9
Press 1
Press 5