Chapter 3 Testing 21
NetSure 731 CC2, NetSure 731 C62 Series Power Supply System User Manual
Check item
The controller should display the battery current. The difference betw een the displayed and measured
battery current should be less than 1%
Check the number of the rectifier through the controller. The number should be consistent w ith the settings
and actual values
Check the voltage, current, current limiting point of rectif iers through the controller. They should agree w ith
the actual parameters
For the pow er system configured w ith temperature sensor, the battery and ambient temperature displayed
by the controller should be normal. Hold the probe of the temperatures sens or and the displayed
temperatures should change
3.4 Final Steps
Check item
Make sure that materials irrelevant to the equipment have been all removed
Fill in the installation report and hand it over to the user
Fill in the parameter table at the cabinet door
If any defect is found in this equipment, inform the personnel responsible for the contract.
If repairing is needed, please fill in the FAILURE REPORT and send the report together with the defective unit to the
repairing center for fault analysis.