VWDV70 Series Gas Fireplace
FueL conVersIon
this conversion kit shall be installed by a quali-
fied service agency in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and all applicable
code and requirements of the authority having
jurisdiction. If the information in these instruc-
tions is not followed exactly, a fire, explosion
or production of carbon monoxide may result
causing property damage, personal injury or
loss of life. the qualified service agency is re-
sponsible for the proper installation of this kit.
the installation is not proper and complete until
operation of the converted appliance is checked
as specified in the manufacturer’s instructions
supplied with the kit.
LoGs May Be hot to the touch. hanDLe
the LoGs WIth GLoVes anD pLace theM
on a noncoMBustIBLe surFace When
they haVe Been reMoVeD FroM the In-
For your saFety
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable va-
pors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other ap-
Before installing conversion kit...
Disconnect electrical power.
Shut off gas supply.
Allow unit to cool.
this Kit Must be Installed by a qualified service agency
the procedure for converting from one gas to another
is the same regardless of the initial gas used, except
where noted. the only variation is in the orifice sizes
and component part numbers. your authorized service
provider will ensure the correct parts are used.
the parts needed to convert from natural gas to Lp
are provided with the fireplace. the parts to convert
from Lp to natural gas must be purchased from an
authorized dealer. refer to page 54.
conversion parts included:
Burner orifice (refer to Table 1)
Pilot orifice
Gas valve regulator
Conversion rating plate label
Conversion cap
Venturi air shutter (for conversion to Natural gas only)
tools required:
Torx T20 Driver (2
” minimum length
recommended) or Slotted Screwdriver, 5/8”, 11/16”, 3/4”
and 7/8” Combination Wrenches, Phillips Screwdriver
SC valve regulator
Figure 72
conVersIon InstructIons
1. Using the hand tool provided with the unit, remove
the glass door by rotating the three (3) cams to re-
lease the door from its locked position. Tilt top of
glass frame away from unit and lift up and away.
An assistant may be necessary to help re-
move glass frame.
2. Carefully remove the stones and glass on the left front
2/3 of the burner to expose the left lens placed in front
of the burner.
3. Remove the two (2) left lenses placed in front of the
4. Remove the right side panel and place on protected
surface to prevent damage.
5. To gain access to the gas valve and control board,
remove the access plate located on the right side of
the unit by removing the screws that secure the plate
to the side.
6. Using the Torx T20 driver or slotted screwdriver, re-
move and discard the regulator and rubber gasket in
the face of the valve.
Figure 72
7. Install the new regulator with rubber gasket from the
conversion kit. Make sure the gasket is seated prop-
8. Remove control board and A/C module assembly. It is
attached with velcro fasteners to the wall of the enclo-
sure behind the access plate removed earlier.
9. Separate the A/C module from the control board by
removing screw.
Figure 73