Table A-1
5350 Appliance compute node technical specifications
5350 Appliance compute node
Technical Specification
4,300 watts (2.2 watts per TB)
Typical power consumption
with a maximum of four
external storage shelves
5,800 watts (3.0 watts per TB)
Maximum power
consumption with a
maximum of four external
storage shelves
14,408 BTU/hour
19,267 BTU/hour
System cooling requirement
(heat dissipation)
(Appliance with maximum
storage shelves attached)
100V - 127 VAC
200V - 240 VAC
Operating voltage
90% +
Power conversion efficiency
70 dBA
Acoustic noise
Veritas 5U84 Storage Shelf technical
The following table provides technical specifications for both the Veritas 5U84
Primary Storage Shelf and the Veritas 5U84 Expansion Storage Shelf.
Table A-2
Veritas 5U84 Primary Storage Shelf / 5U84 Expansion Storage
Shelf technical specifications
Technical specification
The rack installation height is the space occupied by a storage
shelf in a rack cabinet. The shelf fits into a 5U rack space.
Install the storage shelf in a rack cabinet that is 19 inches
(483mm) wide.
Rack information
Technical specifications, Environmental/Protocol standards, and Compliance standards
Veritas 5U84 Storage Shelf technical specifications