VEMCO - VR2W Manual
Clean O-ring Surfaces
The O-ring surfaces must be clear of all debris and dirt. Any debris could cause water to enter the case and
destroy the receiver.
An O-ring surface is any surface the O-ring touches. The VR2W has three, the two grooves the O-rings sit in
and the smooth area inside the Outer Cylinder that sits between the threads and the end of the cylinder.
It is vital that all O-ring surfaces are clean and damage free or water may work its way inside the case and
destroy the electronics within the VR2W receiver.
An O-ring surface is any surface the O-ring
touches. The VR2W has three, the two
grooves between the threads and the LED
on the end cap and the first flat section
inside the Outer Cylinder (2 cm).
O-Ring Surfaces
Use a lint-free cloth to clean the old grease and any debris from the O-rings and the O-ring surfaces. A lint-
free swab is very helpful for cleaning inside the grooves.
Inspect the O-ring surfaces for any scratches or debris – use a
magnifying glass and a bright light. Scratches in the O-ring groove
would allow water to bypass the O-ring, potentially flooding the
receiver and destroying the internal electronics. If you find debris
(dirt, dust, hair, etc) inside a groove, then use a lint-free swab to
remove it. If you find a scratch in any of the O-ring surfaces, then
contact our Support department.