50229 01
50229 01
The operation of the motor driven by a frequency
converter is only allowed within the operating points
at the name plate. Shorttime exceeding of the operating
current of the motor up to 1.5 times of the rated current
for maximum 1 minute is only allowed for every
10 minutes. The maximum speed or frequency of the
motor has never to be exceeded. The measurement of
the imbedded thermal protector of the windings has to
keep the requirements of Declaration 2014/34/EU and
the concerning protecting unit must fulfill Exdescription
II (2) G. Multi-motor operation is not allowed.
For installation and commissioning of the frequency
converter concerning notes and the operating manual
of the producer have to be payed in attention. The
switching frequency of the converter shall be setup
higher than the minimum value which is written at the
name plate.
Equipment of Category 2 driven by frequency
For the type of ignition protection increased safety “e”
(new: “eb”) (EPL Gb) as well as protection by enclosure
“tb” (EPL Db) there are special EC-type examination
certificates necessary which explicitly approve the
operation at a frequency converter.
The required conditions and setups of the system
consist of motor, frequency converter and protecting
apparatus are described within the concerning EC-type
examination certificates, the EU Declarations of Confor-
mity, the nameplate and the data sheets.
Equipment of Category 3 driven by frequency
For the type of ignition protection “n” (new: increased
safety “ec”) (EPL Gc) as well as protection by enclosure
“tc” has to be made so that motors driven by frequency
converter with variable speed and/or variable voltage
must be tested with a defined frequency converter or a
similar frequency converter according the specification
of output voltage and current.
Alternatively the thermal class may be defined by cal-
culation. The necessary parameters and conditions are
written at the name plate and within the documentations
of the motor.
Electromagnetic Compatibility
When the motor is operated in connection with a
frequency inverter, in particular with builtin thermistors
and other sensors, it is possible that emitted interfe-
rence occurs depending on the type of inverter. It
must be avoided to exceed the limit values given in
IEC/EN 61000-6-3 for the drive system consisting of
motor and inverter. Please observe the EMV directions
of the inverter manufacturer under all circumstances.
Efficiency classes
The specification of the efficiency class (IE class) ac-
cording to IEC/EN 60034-30-1 is allowed for explosion
protected motors. Indicated are IE class and rated
efficiency. The determination of the motor efficiency is
done with direct measurement complying with IEC/EN
60034-2-1 for motors up to 1 kW (chapter 8.1.1) and
with the summation of losses method and determination
of residual losses for motors > 1kW (chapter
The type designation is extended with a prefix (example
IE3-K11R 132 S4…).
Installation and electrical connection
At installation and start of operation the security advices
that are enclosed with the motor have to be observed.
Installation work shall only be done by qualified per-
sonnel who is skilled because of a technical education,
expertise and schooling of knowledge about
– security regulations,
– accident prevention regulations,
– standards and approved rules of
technique (for example VDE-regulations,
The qualified personnel must have the ability to assess
the assigned job, identify possible dangers and avoid
them. The qualified personnel must be authorized by
the person in charge for security of the plant to carry out
the necessary work and tasks.
Installing electrical equipment in hazardous areas requi-
res, inter alia to observe the following rules in Germany:
– BetrSichV
”Operational Safety Act”,
“Technical rules for industrial safety”
– GefStoffV
”Hazardous Goods Regulations”
– IEC/EN 60079-14
”Explosive atmospheres - Part 14:
Electrical installations design,
selection and erection”
Outside of Germany the correct national regulations
have to be observed.
Non-ventilated motors without self-ventilation are cooled
by free convection with rib cooling at the motor housing.
Unacceptable warming is avoided by reducing the
output/winding design and this is checked with type tes-
ting and certification. To ensure the selected tempera-
ture class is kept at all times, please always ensure free
convection. The motor must not be encased.
Environmental effects
The permissible coolant temperature (room temperature
at place of installation) according to IEC/EN 60034-1
is max. 40°C/min. –20°C without labelling and the
permissible altitude of site is up to 1000 m above sea
level (other than the given values have to be specified
on the name plate of the motor and must be certified
separately if necessary). It should be noted that the
cooling air can flow freely through the air inlet openings
and through the air outlet openings freely and can not
be sucked back directly. Inlet and outlet openings have
to be protected against pollution and dirt particles. The
direct intake of discharged air from neighbouring ag-
gregates must be prevented by suitable measures. The
minimum distance of air inlet of the fan cover against
any obstacles (dimension BI) has to be observed under
all circumstances.