1.6 Monitor Mapping
How to Change to Extended Display
Extended Display means you work with a larger Windows desktop area spanning your computer
monitor and your VK1560 LCD Display. Applications can be moved from one display to the other,
and will allow you to work in different screen resolutions.
1. Right-click your desktop and select Screen Resolution.
2. In Multiple Displays dropdown, change to [Extend these Displays]
3. If your computer is equipped with more than one monitor, your VK1560 pen display will map to
the monitors based on how they are configured in the DISPLAY PROPERTIES control panel.
4. After you have correctly configured your computer for multiple monitors, you can then adjust your
VK1560 pen display mapping by opening the driver icon and changing the appropriate
options. This enables you to toggle the current VK1560 mapping and screen cursor between the
system desktop or primary display and your other monitors.