VEGA SI-13/User Manual
Revision 08 – 04 May 2018
The "Device info" tab displays information about the device, its current status, and also
the data needed to register the device in the LoRaWAN network.
ABP info - displays the data necessary to register the device in the LoRaWAN network
with ABP method (Activation By Personalization).
OTAA info - the data required to register the device in the LoRaWAN network with OTAA
method (Over The Air Activation) is displayed.
Regional info (not displayed in the "Simple" mode) - shows the frequencies of the JOIN
channels and the second receiving window. These frequencies can be changed in the
"LoRaWAN Settings" tab when selecting a frequency plan.
Device info - the configurator reads information about the device model, its firmware
and automatically corrects the device's time when connected to it.