2.5 J1939 Settings
Source Address One: This is the Address of the J1939 Engine, and is used to
Restrict what sources the EGM will accept J1939 from. It can also be set to
GLB which means it will accept data from any source.
Source Address Two: this functions the same way as Source Address one, but
is normally used for the Alternator.
SPN VERSION: Set the Suspect Parameter Number [Version 1, 2 or 3]. Version
4 is automatically detected, but older engines will have to be set to 1, 2 or 3.
Note. Consult your engine supplier to establish which SPN version is
appropriate if you have problems reading alarm data.
DISPLAY ADDRESS: As mentioned previously, every device has a unique
address and the Engine Monitor is no different. In single engine setups the
default display address is 40 (SAE recommendation). If the Engine Monitor
does not display all necessary data (which is supported) please contact your
engine manufacturer for advice on the value of this setting.