Example: If a load is rated at 400 watts AC, the power source must be able
to deliver: 400 divided by 10 = 40 amperes
The MAXX 400 SST must be connected only to batteries with
a nominal output voltage of 12 volts. The unit will not operate from a
6 volt battery and will sustain permanent damage if connected to a
24 volt battery.
The MAXX 400 SST comes equipped with a 12 volt DC plug and battery
clip cables for connection to the power source:
Do not use with positive ground electrical systems (the
majority of modern automobiles, RVs, and trucks are negative ground)
Connecting to Power Source Using 12 volt DC Plug:
The 12 volt DC plug is suitable for operating the inverter at power outputs
up to 175 watts. The tip of the plug is positive and the side contact is
negative. Connect the MAXX 400 SST to the power source by inserting the
12 volt DC plug firmly into the 12 volt DC socket of a vehicle or other DC
power source.
Connect directly to power source when operating above
175 watts.
Most automobile 12 volt DC circuits use fuses rated at 15 to 20
amps or greater. To operate at full 400 watts output, either use the
battery clip cable (supplied) or directly wire to the power source with
user-supplied wire and fuse. Caution: Reverse polarity connection will
result in a blown fuse and may cause permanent damage to the inverter
and will void the warranty.
Connecting to a Power Source Using Provided Cables:
If the inverter is to be used for extended periods at power levels above 175
watts, direct connection to the power source is required. Use the provided
cables to connect the MAXX 400 SST directly to the 12 volt power source
using the following guidelines:
1. Check to be sure the MAXX 400 SST power switch is turned off and
that no flammable fumes are present.
2. Connect the black cable to the black post marked “(-)” on the back of
the inverter. Connect the battery clip to the negative terminal of
the battery.