Electrical connections
Connect the electric cable to an earthed 230V power outlet. Requisite fuse: See overview of range.To start the LAF 50-150 dehumi-
difier, set the switch to position I (see Fig. C). The electronic control system delays start by about 5 seconds.
Fig. C
Fig. D
The LAF 50E-150E dehumidifiers incorporate an electric heater and a two-position switch (see Fig. D).
Position I
Position II
Dehumidifi heating
The electric heater will be switched off when the preset room temperature has been reached (set at the factory to 21°C).
The value can be adjusted on the electronic circuit board to between 10°C and 26°C (see the arrow in Fig. E), which should be
carried out by a specialist.
Fig. E
If the ambient temperature is lower than +3°C or higher than +30°C, the dehumidifier will be stopped (indicated by the LED). It
will restart automatically when the temperature rises to 5-6°C resp. sinks to 27-28°C. If frost should occur on the evaporator, the
dehumidifier will be automatically defrosted once an hour.
LED indications
Steady light
the collecting container is full and should be emptied.
Two flashes in sequence
Ambient temperature too high (see above).
Three flashes in sequence
Ambient temperature too low (see above).
Four flashes in sequence
Room temperature sensor faulty (summon a service technician).
Five flashes in sequence
Defrosting sensor faulty (summon a service technician).