* Compressor control.
The compressor relay activates when the product sensor measures a higher temperature than the
se switching differential (parameter 1), and deactivates when the temperature descents below
There are 4 different modes off delay on the compressor possible with parameter 05 as shown below;
Parameter 05 = 0 :
The compressor relay has a start-up delay of "parameter 6" seconds.
Parameter 05 = 1:
The compressor relay has a start-up delay of "parameter 6" minutes.
Parameter 05 = 2 :
After switching off the compressor waits at least "parameter 6" minutes before switching on
Parameter 05 = 3 :
In between the switching-on points the compressor waits at least "parameter 6" minutes.
Next options for Compressor control are available.
Parameter 15 :
A compressor on delay after power failure of "parameter 15" minutes.
Parameter 23 =1:
The compressor relay activates at product sensor failure.
* Fan control.
has several parameters for fan control. Normally the fan is always active, accept
for one of the following parameters is set to 1, the fan can be stopped.
Parameter 19 = 1 (Fan switch differential active):
The fan is only active when the defrost temperature is "parameter 13"
C lower then the
measurement of the product temperature. As there are no further conditions to switch the fan
off. (e.g. Parameter 13 = 2
C and the product sensor measures 10
C, than the fan is only active
as the defrost sensor measures 10
C or less.)
Parameter 20 = 1 (Fan off on defrost cycle):
The fan is switched off during defrost and to prevent blowing in hot air in the cabin after defrost
and the dripping-off time, there are two conditions which can be set;
1: The fan is blocked until the defrost sensor measures a temperature lower than the
temperature setting of parameter 10.
2: The fan is blocked until the defrost-delay-time of parameter 11 has stopped. Unless the
defrost sensor has reached the temperature setting of parameter 10. When the defrost
sensor is broken (Failure E2) the
runs down the entire time of parameter 11.
Parameter 22 = 1 (Compressor off -> Fan off):
The fan deactivates as the compressor deactivates, with a delay of "parameter 17" minutes.
Provided that there are no other conditions to deactivates the fan.