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Turn cap upside down to serve as a measuring cup . 30ml
of solution should be used for 1 litre of water. Therefore,
half a cap of solution should be used to a full tank
Vax floor cleaner has been specifically formulated to resist
excessive foaming and other undesirable effects when
used with the Floormate.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT use cleaning solutions that
contain pine or solvent based ingredients.
Pour cleaning solution into tank. Fill tank to fill line with
warm water (Max 40°C) (Fig.3/7).
Replace cap. Rotate cap clockwise until it locks in place.
Cap must be locked in place for proper performance and to
prevent leaking (Fig.3/8).
Automatic Shut-Off
An automatic suction shut-off is built into the dirty water
tank to prevent the tank from overflowing.
When the dirty water tank is full, the automatic shut-off
activates, and the cleaner will not pick up dirty solution
and the sound of the motor will change.
Vax V-122 User Guide.qxd 29/6/07 13:49 Page 5