Vauconsant SA, all rights reserved A622xx & E633xx -rev0-ENG, 2/12/ 2010 - 12 -
The appliance's warranty applies as of the
shipment date
from our factory in Dombasle Sur Meurthe
(France) for a period of
12 months
It does not cover breakage of the glass.
To benefit from the warranty, the buyer should order by fax or email, specifying the warranty
application with appliance reference found on the identification plaque. On reception of the appliance, the
buyer should return and pay shipment for the defective appliance, within fifteen working days. Any appliance
not returned shall be invoiced. Any appliance bought from another supplier may not benefit from a credit as
covered by the warranty.
Transport and labour costs are to be paid by the buyer.
The buyer is invited to make any reservations to customers for appliances stored without
commissioning on delivery, particularly for refrigerated and electrical equipment.
The warranty does not extend to wear caused by defects or poor maintenance of equipment or damage
caused by knocks or improper use.
Any warranty also excludes incidents caused by fortuitous events or force majeure, unidentified causes
or causes by the buyer's actions of any form whatsoever: improper location, faults linked to use (operation,
maintenance not in accordance with this manual, unqualified staff, etc.), modification of the equipment,
repair conducted outside the terms of this manual, spare parts, etc.
Vauconsant's liability is strictly limited to the obligations defined above and it is formally agreed that
Vauconsant shall not be required to pay compensation.
Under no circumstances shall Vauconsant be required to pay compensation for any immaterial or
indirect damage such as: loss of business, loss of profit, loss of an opportunity, commercial prejudice,
In any case, Vauconsant's civil liability, for all causes, with the exception of corporal damage and fraud
or serious misdemeanour, may not exceed the sum of the contract.
The buyer and its insurers shall not take legal action against Vauconsant and its insurance companies
above and beyond the limits and exclusions set out above.